A code of conduct defines how a company’s employees should act on a day-to-day basis. It reflects the organization’s daily operations, core values, and overall company culture. As a result, every code of conduct is unique to the organization it represents.
Allalouf’s code of conduct applies to all employees, managers, and executives.
Since its founding, Allalouf's business practices have been governed by integrity, honesty, fair
dealing, and full compliance with all applicable laws. Allalouf has upheld and lived this commitment in their every day responsibilities ever since, and Allalouf's reputation remains one of the Company’s most important
assets today.
The nature of this Code is not meant to cover all possible situations that may occur. It is designed to provide a frame of reference against which to measure any activities. Employees should seek guidance when they are in doubt about the proper course of action in a given situation, as it is the ultimate responsibility of each employee to “do the right thing”, a responsibility that cannot be delegated.
Employees should always be guided by the following basic principles:
- Avoid any conduct that could damage or risk Allalouf or its reputation;
- Act legally and honestly
put the Company’s interests ahead of personal or other interests.
For this Code, references to “employees” include employees, associates,
officers and directors of Allalouf and its subsidiaries.
Ethical Principles and Core Values
Allalouf core values are
• Family
• Professionalism
• Openness
• Proactivity
• Leadership
• Innovation
• Business
• Optimism
• Customer centrality
• Dedication
Striving for values using
• Honesty
• Integrity
• Trustworthiness
• Courage
• Respect for others
• Responsibility
• Accountability
• Obedience to the law
• Empathy
• Teamwork
• Commitment to the code
Decision Making and the Code of Conduct
When making a decision, ask yourself the following:
• Is it legal?
• Does it comply with the code?
• Does it reflect our company values and ethics?
• Does it respect the rights of others?
• If you are unsure about any of the answers, ask.
Compliance with laws, rules, and regulations
We respect the law at all times
Allalouf and its employees are bound by the law. Compliance with all applicable laws
and regulations must never be compromised. Additionally, employees shall adhere to internal rules and regulations as they apply in a given situation. Those internal rules are specific to the Company and may go beyond what is required by the law.
Conflicts of Interest
We will always act in the best interests of Allalouf
A conflict of interest can occur when an employee’s activities, investments, or associations compromise their judgment or ability to act in the company’s best interests. Employees should avoid the types of situations that can give rise to conflicts of interest.
Employees need to disclose any relationships, associations, or activities that could create actual, potential or even perceived, conflict of interest to their manager or the Human Resources Department.
External Communication on Behalf of the Company
We take pride in Allalouf’s reputation and consider Allalouf’s best interests also in our outside engagements and activities. Only the President, CEO, Business Development Manager, Communication & HR Manager & CFO are authorized to represent the company to media and/or legal authorities. Employees should refer all requests for information or interviews to the Communications Department.
Corporate opportunities
We are committed to advance Allalouf’s business
Employees shall not compete with the Company. Nor shall they take personal advantage of business opportunities that they discover during their employment unless the Company expressly waives its interest in pursuing such opportunity.
If employees want to pursue business opportunities that might be of interest to the Company, they shall inform their Manager who will seek a management decision as to whether or not the Company wants to pursue the opportunity. Even if the Company decides against pursuing the opportunity, the employee may seize the opportunity on his or her behalf only if it is clear that doing so will not result in direct or indirect competition with the Company’s operations.
We value and protect our confidential information and we respect the confidential information of others
Confidential information consists of any information that is not or not yet public information. It includes trade secrets, business, marketing and service plans, consumer insights, databases, records, salary information, and any non-published financial or other data.
Allalouf and its employees maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary information. Proprietary information includes also all non-public information that might be harmful to the company and its customers and business partners if disclosed.
Confidential information can include:
• Customer lists
• Supplier lists
• Pricing information
• Terms of contracts
• Company policies and procedures
• Financial statements
• Marketing plans and strategies
• Trade secrets
• Any other information that could damage the company or its customers or suppliers if it was disclosed
Allalouf’s continued success depends on the use of its confidential information and its non- disclosure to third parties. Unless required by law or authorized by their management, employees shall not disclose confidential information or allow such disclosure. This obligation continues beyond the termination of employment. Furthermore, employees must use best efforts to avoid unintentional disclosure by applying special
care when storing or transmitting confidential information.
Allalouf respects that third parties have a similar interest in protecting their confidential information. In case that third parties, such as joint venture partners, suppliers, or customers, share with Allalouf confidential information, such
information shall be treated with the same care as if it was Allalouf’s confidential information. In that same spirit, employees shall protect confidential information that they have obtained in the course of their prior employment.
Allalouf compliance with privacy legislation and commitment to protecting the personal and confidential information of employees, customers, suppliers, and others. The company complies with the requirements of the Israels’ and international privacy laws.
The company and its employees do not disclose any private, personal information of:
• Employees
• Customers
• Suppliers
• Competitors
• Third parties
When providing personal information, employees limit access to only those with a clear business need for the information.
Employees are required to report any breaches of privacy, including the loss, theft of or unauthorized access to personal information, to their manager.
Antitrust and fair dealing
We believe in the importance of free competition
Allalouf is prepared to compete successfully in today’s business environment and will always do so in full compliance with all applicable antitrust, competition, and fair dealing laws. Therefore, employees must at all times adhere to the following rules:
Commercial policy and prices will be set independently and will never be agreed, formally or informally, with competitors or other non-related parties, whether directly or indirectly;
Customers, territories, or product markets will never be allocated between Allalouf and its competitors but will always be the result of fair competition.
Customers and suppliers will be dealt with fairly.
All employees, but especially those who are involved in marketing, sales, and purchasing, or who are in regular contact with competitors, have a responsibility to ensure that they are familiar with applicable competition laws. When in doubt, the Legal Function should be contacted to provide competition law advice and training.
Fraud, protection of company assets, accounting
We insist on honesty and we respect the Company’s assets and property
Employees must never engage in fraudulent or any other dishonest conduct involving the
property or assets or the financial reporting and accounting of Allalouf or any third party. This may not only entail disciplinary sanctions but also result in criminal charges.
Employees shall safeguard and make only the proper and efficient use of Allalouf’s property.
All employees shall seek to protect Allalouf’s property from loss, damage, misuse, theft, fraud, embezzlement, and destruction. These obligations cover both tangible and intangible assets, including trademarks, know-how, confidential or proprietary information, and information systems.
To the extent permitted under applicable law, the Company reserves the right to monitor and inspect how its assets are used by employees, including inspection of all e-mail, data and files kept on Company network terminals.
Bribery and corruption
We condemn any form of bribery and corruption
The company will not attempt to influence the judgment or behavior of a person in a position of trust by paying a bribe or kickback. This applies to persons in government and private business.
The company does not permit facilitation (or “grease”) payments to government officials or private businesses to secure or speed up routine actions.
Nor must they accept any such advantage in return for any preferential treatment of a third party.
Moreover, employees must refrain from any activity or behavior that could give rise to the appearance or suspicion of such conduct or the attempt thereof.
Employees should be aware that the offering or giving of improper benefits to influence the decision of the recipient, even if he or she is not a government official, may not only entail disciplinary sanctions but also result in criminal charges. Improper benefits may consist of anything of value for the recipient, including employment or consultancy contracts for closely related parties.
Gifts, meals, entertainment
We compete and do business based only on quality and competence
While gifts and entertainment among business associates can be appropriate ways to strengthen ties and build goodwill, they also have the potential to create the perception that business decisions are influenced by them. The company is committed to winning business only on the merits of its products, services, and people and complies with all legal requirements for giving and receiving gifts and entertainment.
Employees are to:
• Use sound judgment and comply with the law, regarding gifts and other benefits
• Never allow gifts, entertainment or other personal benefits to influence decisions or undermine the integrity
of business relationships
• Never accept gifts or entertainment that are illegal, immoral or would reflect negatively on the company
• Never accept cash, cash equivalents, stocks or other securities
Employees may accept occasional unsolicited personal gifts of nominal value such as promotional items and may provide the same to customers and business partners.
When in doubt, employees should check with the ethics and compliance officer before giving or receiving anything of value.
No employee shall offer to or accept from any third party gifts taking the form of any of the following, whatever the value involved:
– money
– loans
– kickbacks
– similar monetary advantages
Discrimination and harassment
We embrace diversity and respect the personal dignity of our fellow employees
Allalouf respects the personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of every employee, customers
And business partners, and is committed to maintaining a workplace free from discrimination and harassment. Therefore, employees must not discriminate based on origin, nationality, religion, race, gender, age or
sexual orientation, or engage in any kind of verbal or physical harassment based on any of the above or any other reason.
Employees who feel that their workplace does not comply with the above principles are encouraged to raise their concerns with the HR Department.
Any type of harassment, including physical, sexual, verbal, or other, is prohibited and can result in disciplinary action up to, and including termination.
Harassment can include actions, language, written words, or objects that create an intimidating or hostile work environment, such as:
• Yelling at or humiliating someone
• Physical violence or intimidation
• Unwanted sexual advances, invitations or comments
• Visual displays such as derogatory or sexually-oriented pictures or gestures
• Physical conduct including assault or unwanted touching
• Threats or demands to submit to sexual requests as a condition of employment or to avoid negative consequences
Failure to comply
We will consult the Code, comply with its provisions and seek guidance where needed
It is each employee’s responsibility to ensure full compliance with all provisions of this Code and to seek guidance where necessary from their Line Manager, or the HR or the Legal or Compliance Function. To “do the right thing” and to ensure the highest standards of integrity is each employee’s responsibility that cannot be delegated.
When in doubt, employees should always be guided by the basic principles stated in the introduction to this Code.
Any failure to comply with this Code may result in disciplinary action, including the possibility of dismissal and, if warranted, legal proceedings or criminal sanctions.
Health and Safety
Allalouf's commitment to providing employees with a safe and healthy workplace.
The company conducts business by applicable health and safety requirements and strives for continuous improvement in its health and safety policies and procedures.
All employees are expected to perform their work in compliance with applicable health and safety laws, regulations, policies, and procedures and apply safe work practices at all times in all locations.
Applicable safety and health requirements must be communicated to visitors, customers, or contractors at any company location.
Employees are required to immediately report workplace injuries, illnesses, or unsafe conditions, including “near-misses.”
Allalouf's commitment to minimizing the environmental impact of all of its activities used to deliver services to its customers.
For example:
Allalouf is committed to operating in an environmentally responsible manner, from the provision of services to the operation of its offices and facilities, selection of suppliers, and other business activities.
The company complies with all applicable environmental laws and regulations as well as self-directed commitments to sustainable practices and environmental protection.